This Women’s Conference will be held at Christian Revival Center on Saturday, November 9th from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Speakers will be Apostle Judi Valencia and Rev. Gwen Mouliert. Nicole Restivo will be our Praise and Worship leader. This is a FREE Event. An offering will be received Christian Revival Center is located at 734...
Every third Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm we will be meeting for CRC HOP! That’s Christian Revival Center House of Prayer. Join the saints in a time of thanksgiving, worship, intercession and supplication. Isaiah 56:7 says, “For My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Let’s pray...
Christian Revival Training Center is now in session, Thursday Nights at 7:00pm. Our current topic is “Establishing the End Time Church.” Through these series of lessons we will be “Raising up the Last Days Army” so come and join us for this time of digging into God’s Word!
LEADERSHIP AT CHRISTIAN REVIVAL CENTER Judi Valencia Founding Apostle Reverend Judi Valencia is a gifted prophetic Apostle, teacher, prayer leader and revivalist who flows in the Holy Spirit. She is an Ordained Minister, commissioned by Dr. Chuck Pierce at Glory of Zion International Ministries. Through her...
Christian Revival Center is an Apostolic, Prophetic, Prayer-based, Revival and Training Center. Our vision is to equip and train the Body of Christ in prayer, spiritual gifts and warfare, teaching Kingdom principles of salvation and empowerment through the Holy Spirit. We are called to equip and train all generations, to...
Reverend Judi Valencia announces the release of her new book, “The Emerging Warrior Bride” on Amazon.com. This teaching, based on The Song of Solomon, will heal your heart and change your life! It’s time for you to rise up out of the wilderness of your past! Arise and come away on a prophetic journey into your...
Equipping and Training the Body of Christ for End-Time Harvest and Revival